Lettuce Debate is an online community for the people to debate on any topic, such as politics, world affairs, economics, health, society, law, science, and more.
At Lettuce Debate, you may:
- Post, search, and browse debate topics
- Debate on any topic by choosing a side
(Lettuce for Pro or Cabbage for Con)
and post resolutions to debates - Up (Tomato) or down (Onion) vote debate resolutions
- Attach a video, photo, and sources to a debate
- Trail (follow) members and debates
- Share notes with fellow Lettuce Debaters and receive updates in The Farmer's Notebook
The highest upvoted (Tomato voted) debate solutions with over 2/3 of the majority of vote will win the debate and receive a Carambola (Starfuit.) Most popular debates will be listed in the Most Popular Debates section of the website.
Welcome to Lettuce Debate. Let Us, The People, Debate!